Have fun and learn with Year One!

Saturday 26 September 2015

In Maths we will be looking at patterns and sequences. Look all around you at numbers, colours and shapes.

We will also be using 100 squares~have a go with the link below!

This week we will be reading and writing using the story 
The Giant Sandwich.
We will be learning to say and write noun phrases.
We will be using connectives and, because and but.

What do you like on your sandwich?

Next Week

In RE we will be finding out about the
first miracle performed by Jesus.

What did Jesus do?
How did Mary feel?

Friday 25 September 2015

Trusted Adult

We are learning to be outstanding learners at school.
 Wilf helps us to reach our targets and be
successful in our learning.
We know who are Trusted adults are if we need
any help or are worried at school.

Saturday 19 September 2015

Next week we will be reading and writing using the story 
I'm running away.
We will be using noun phrases,  connectives and WOW words.
Ben packed his bag with some interesting items.

In Literacy next week we will be reading and writing about
The Pizza Princess.
Can you remember what WILF will be looking for in your writing?

Let us know through the BLOG comments!
In RE we will be learning about 
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.
Who took Jesus to the Temple?
What did Simeon and Anna say about Jesus?

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Our Year  1 briefing will take place on 
Friday 25th September at 3:15pm.  
You will find out about the Year 1 curriculum and how you can help your child with their learning and faith this year. 

Saturday 12 September 2015

In RE we will be learning about a special celebration~Going to Mass.
Father David says to us~"The Lord be with you."
We will respond~"And with your spirit."
Next week we will be learning about shape. 
Here are some Maths activities about shape.

We will be describing shapes using words like corners, faces, straight sides, curved edges.

Saturday 5 September 2015

We belong to God's family and Holy Souls School. 
Together we follow Jesus on our journey of faith. 
Our Mission is-

Holy Souls School welcomes you.

Holy Souls School is a place where we can pray together.

Holy Souls School is a place where we care.

Holy Souls School is a place of learning.

Holy Souls School is a place where everyone is important.

This term we will be learning all about our bodies and how to keep healthy.
We will be talking about healthy choices at snack and dinner time. During the year we will taste lots of different fruits , salads and vegetables. 
Next week at school you will be making a skeleton and finding out about the bones in your body.
Do you know the names of some of the bones?

Next week we will be counting and sequencing numbers.

Have a go with these number games.
