Well done children youhaved worked extremely hard this week. We have been learning about words with sounds called split digraphs.
All these words have the same sound but are written in different ways.
Which word has a split digraph?
Can you make your own list of a-e words?
Thursday, 19 January 2012
In RE we will be learning about another parable told by Jesus~The Prodigal Son.
What did the son say to his father?
What did the father say?
In Literacy we will be reading and writing using The Snail and the Whale book by Julia Donaldson.
The story has words ending in ay, some words with ai in the middle and some with the long vowel
sound a-e.
In Topic we will be finding out about toys.
We are finding out about toys your grandparents may have had and the materials toys are made from.
We will also be looking at patterns and completing our own repeating patterns.
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Well done to Year 6 for a beautiful enrolment Mass. We will be thinking about all the children in Year 6 and Year 3 during their sacramental preparation for Holy Communion and Confirmation.
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Our story next week is the Enormous Turnip.
How many different words can you think of that mean enormous?
Thursday, 12 January 2012
In RE we are learning about the parables and miracles of Jesus.
We will be learning about the boy who shared his lunch of bread and fish.
Happy new year and best wishes for 2012.
We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday.
We will be learning about The Epiphany.
Who came to visit Jesus? What did these special visitors bring?